£10 of Every Candle Sale Goes to Switchboard this June

£10 of Every Candle Sale Goes to Switchboard this June

This month, to mark Pride by supporting the community, Boujee Bougies are donating £10 of every candle sold to Switchboard. 

Switchboard is the national LGBTQIA+ support line - for anyone, anywhere in the country, at any point in their journey.

They can discuss anything on subjects related to sexuality and gender identity, relationships, and mental health support.

Switchboard phonelines are available to anyone who identifies as LGBTQIA+ and allies who wish to support an LGBTQIA+ person, providing a space to explore, talk and be truly heard. If you'd like support or to donate to them directly, you can visit their website https://switchboard.lgbt/ or call on 0800 0119 100

A team of dedicated volunteers provide their time to offer calm words when people need them most - and Switchboard relies entirely on the generosity of friends and supporters to help cover running costs.


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